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Thursday, August 30, 2007
1. (the person who tagged you is) - Harrison
2. (your relationship with him/her is) - Friend/Teh-gao student councillor!
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) - smart/friendly/superdupernice/smart/intellectual/a good listener/smart/very smart/patient
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) - Listen to me gripe, rant and fret over something that doesn't matter anymore.
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) - Oh man! I KNOW! "I don't believe in eating till I'm full. I believe in eating till I'm satisfied." HAHAHA!
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) - Wake up awhile later and laugh at that funny dream I had.
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) - not be too accomodating; he's really Mr Nice! Harri, don't let people take advantage of you!
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) -Just pretend that he doesn't exist. I'm good at that sort of thing.
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) - Betrayal and/or backstabbing...but I can't imagine him doing that!
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - Erm, I think I will start by updating this blog more regularly! :p See tagboard for more information. I also want to be a good friend and confidante...actually this applies to all my lovely new friends too.
11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - VERY PATIENT, intelligent but humble.
12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) - When I don't smile, they think I'm an unfriendly, miserable cow. Hmmm. Some people have commented that I look and behave like a future tai tai! Generally, I guess (and hope that) they feel comfortable talking to me about many things.
13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) - approachable
14. (the characteristic you hate about yourself is) - opinionated
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) - the best that I can be. CLICHE ALERT! :p
16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) - I love you guys too!
17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
1. Cheewy 2. Janice 3. Candice 4. Chun Kiat 5. Tuan 6. Angie 7. Si Ying 8. Evon (I put just for fun la.) 9. Weldon 10. Brother Di
(who is no.6 having a relationship with?) - nobody
(Is no.9 a male or female?) -Er, hahahahahahahahahaha! Now that's an interesting question. apparently he's male. ;-)
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) - Unlikely that it'll ever happen but you never know these things!
(What is no.2 studying?) - Maths, Maths, terrible Maths!
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) - erm, last month. we were griping about varsity life, hohoho.
(What kind of music does no.8 like?) - English and Chinese pop music, especially songs by her beloved Yan Zi!
(Does no.1 has any siblings?) - Yes, an older brother.
(Will you woo no.3?) - Hmmm. Candice is pretty, and I'm a repressed closet lesbian. Hohoho.
(How about no.7?) - Ditto. ;-)
(Is no.4 single?) - probably? correct me if i'm wrong, of course. p.s. Chun, looking good these days!
(What’s the surname of no.5?) - Ngyuen
(What’s the hobby of no.4?) - Biking!
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) - Not bad. Especially when Tuan fancies a grope every now and then. Oh dear, I probably shouldn't say anymore!
(Where is no.2 studying at?) - NUS
(Say something casual about no.1) - She's ranked number 2 after Angie in our you-know-what list.
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - Haha! Now, what did I say about my lesbian tendencies..are you guys scared yet?
(Where does no.9 live?) - Tanah Merah
(What colour does no.4 like?) - Yellow, I think. Yellow for Gamma House!
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) - No.
(Does no.7 like no.2?) - Probably, in a way aquaintances are usually fine with one another.
(How did you get to know no.2?) - sec 2 classmates!
(Does no.1 have any pets?) - Some mistreated hamster.
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) - She is definitely sexy and attractive, but 'in the world' might be stretching it too far.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I've finally finished the whole tin of cookies Karen and Miss Chee (my mentors) gave to me on my last day at work. The cookies were from Famous Amos, came in assorted flavours and were absolutely yummilicious. Here's a picture of the fancy-looking tin: I'm halfway through my second week of university. The workload has been pretty manageable so far, owing to the fact that tutorials don't start until next week. Timetable matters have been settled after rounds of online bidding and balloting via the dreaded CORS and I managed to get all the modules and most of the tutorial slots I wanted, resulting in a very lovely 4-day week and extended weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)! My only gripe is that I only have one tutorial on Wednesday, so technically, I will spend 1 and a half hours travelling to NUS for just one hour of class. Ah well. I guess I'll make Wednesday my Library Day and use it to print or photocopy readings.

Last night, I chatted with Poh Ling, my DHS senior cum ex-colleague. Poh Ling is a teacher-to-be at the National Institute of Education (NIE), training to mould and inspire the young minds of Singapore's future generations. I sound just like some National Education brochure! Hurhur. Anyway, Poh Ling was telling me how much more fun it is to be studying in school instead of teaching, 'cos can sleep in lectures' and 'wear shorts or jeans everyday!' What she implied was probably the relief of being out of the scutinising range of the "higher-ups" - the school we were at was especially particular about attire and didn't even allow us to wear sleeveless tops. I remember how Cheryl was totally goofing off during our Seoul Garden lunch buffet, how we were quite appalled at the change in the behaviour of our usually demure and quiet Miss Ho. Cheryl responded to our looks of astonishment with 'this is the real me!' - which brings me back to the scrutiny thing...naturally, teachers (whether relief, trainee or full-time) are expected to observe their conduct and set positive examples for students when they're in school. Of course I don't mean having to keep a stiff upper lip all the time while pretending to be someone totally different - that would be overdoing it! Let's just say that sometimes, it felt like an Orwellian 'Big Brother is watching' type of situation...I don't think it's appropriate to say anymore because students may be reading this blog. If you've read 1984 by George Orwell, you will definitely understand what I mean. For the ex Lit Loonies, think of 'under his Eye' ala The Handmaid's Tale.

Despite that, I still miss relief teaching, my students, my ex-colleagues. I had great mentors -Ms Chee was extremely patient with me, especially when I took such a long time to finish marking the test papers she assigned to me and Karen, with her hip dressing and random snippets of 'practical advice' ("when you get to uni, open your eyes bigger while you look for a boyfriend!"; once, she actually told Emen to get a girlfriend and stop having random flings. o_O) was like an elder sister to me when we weren't discussing teaching strategies for Charlotte's Web and the finer points of summary writing. I love our little Staffroom 2 with the cosy little desk I shared with Tuan and Sonia, plus the wonderful people whose larger-than-life personalities provided lots of entertainment and relief from noisy little morons and piles of accumulated marking. Last but not least, my 'comrades' aka the NIE trainees on practicuum or teaching experience, who still welcomed me with cheerful smiles every morning, even though I always brought them Post-its bearing additional class slots, courtesy of the atas people.

Ah yes, the students. I almost forgot. Enigmas, these people are.

I'm only done with two chapters of 'The Secret Agent'. Conrad's writing style is just not my cup of tea (or TEH-GAO). I space out everytime my brain gives up on it's attempt to navigate through the masses of convoluted-sounding sentences. For example: '...the whole social order favourable to their hygienic idleness had to be protected against the shallow enviousness of unhygienic labour.' Harrison and I did manage to figure that out eventually, but it was nevertheless a mental challenge. Bah. Imagine doing that for at least ten sentences on every page, and you'll understand why I'm such a sloth.

Rawrrrrrrrrrrrr. Okay! Must. Start. On. Conrad.

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Monday, August 20, 2007
Check out the laptop! Me and Jan hopped down to Raffles City Shopping Centre to skin our new Fujitsu lappies. Sent us back by about 50 bucks each, but we're both happy 'cos of obvious reasons. You don't have to be a genius to realise that it's more aesthetic than functional...laadeedummm... Don't cha wish your laptop was hot like me...
I'm bringing sexy back...yeah...
My workspace (for the time being)

I'm supposed to be studying now. Tomorrow's gonna be a pretty hectic day with 5 hours of lecture and seminar. Then I'll probably head down to The Deck and rot till netball starts at 6.30p.m.. I've already read through and summarised the chapter we'll be looking at for tomorrow's English lecture but I've yet to start on the assigned readings. Oh my goodness...tutorials begin next week!! I better start mugging really hard if I want my Crystal Jade treat.

Number 2 and I saw the Campus Superstar people Live at Plaza Singapore yesterday. Shawn's voice is breaking, just as what Cheryl predicted! Haha! Bourne Ultimatum was pretty good, even for Bourne noobs like us who've never caught the first 2 instalments. (The second one was on SCV a few months ago, but it's all fuzzy in my memory.) Following that was dinner at Cafe Cartel, which for some reason, left both of us feeling nauseous.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's netball practice as I'll be able to hang with my lovelies! Angie was commenting that we can actually 'take over the freaking committee'....hahahaha! I've also heard from a couple of my ex-students that they got As for E Lit! Even though I'm not teaching them anymore, I'll still like to think that it was partly due to my efforts..hehe.

Catch y'all soon.

13 years...so long. There's really so much more to you, and I'm really glad that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about such things. I appreciate the fact that you let me know...we're just trying to protect ourselves after all. Of course, it was definitely harder and more traumatic for you. I still don't know where it's all heading though. But I had a lovely evening too.


Monday, August 13, 2007
I have no idea why I'm awake right now, at 7.18 a.m. when my only lecture of the day starts at 12 p.m.. Of course, living in Tampines when your school is in Kent Ridge means that you will have to leave promptly at 10 a.m. in order to there 20 minutes earlier, which is just the way I like it. Anyway, updates! I've finally uploaded the pictures from July's "goodbye lunch" with my ex-colleagues, after the last attempt left me quite irritated with Blogger. I attended only one day of Orientation Week, which was made lovely by my super enthusiastic, super nice OGmates. :-) The only thing I didn't really enjoy was the "Night Venture" - actually a euphemism for FRIGHT NIGHT...hurhurhur.

School starts good and proper today but there'll only be lectures for the next 2 weeks, while we ballot for our tutorial sessions. Ugh, I really hate all this bidding and balloting nonsense! On the bright side, I'll only have to go to school 4 times a week once everything is settled. And I guess my friends make all the unpleasant stuff (like my 10 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Tuesday, bidding, the travelling, balloting, travelling, travelling and travelling.) alot more bearable. :-)

I've already checked out my the reading lists and other related info for my modules and I have a feeling that things aren't going to be as slack as they appear to be in my timetable! So many things to read - AHHHH! Oh well, at least it's better than having 4-hour long lab sessions. Laboratory. Lab. Lab. L-A-B. LAB! Goodness, that sounds disgusting no matter how you say it. I've always found science labs claustrophobic and stuffy. Not to mention that they always smell abit, erm...funky. Evon -a girl from my OG- mentioned last night that she's taking a Statistics module. I starting thinking about the last time I did Maths and nearly developed rashes from the thought.

Went out for dinner with Number 2 last night. I honestly don't know where it's all heading.
I miss Anne! Crazy woman. Haha!


Friday, August 10, 2007
Photos photos!
LYSS trainees and one Sai Kang Warrior minus Gui Li.

Clockwise from bottom left: Cheryl, Poh Ling, Lynette, Han Chien, Zakiah, Me (SKW), Emen

Miss Ong says, "Oei! How come I'm not in the picture!"
You went for tuition whaaaaat...

Lynette on a photo-taking spree....starting with herself.
Zakiah is so sweet and demure! :-)
Lynette says the orange are dry...
Mr Low shares an intellectual thought....
while Miss Neo gives her best spasticated expression.

Satisfied with her own self-taken portrait, Lynette proceeds to take pictures of other people. Han Chien laughs at the people being photographed laughing with food in their mouths.
Gui Li says, "Eh Lynette! That piece is mine! Don't you dare touch it!"
Zakiah and Gui Li.
I don't know what Gui Li is trying to do with the lump of food in her mouth...

Cheryl and Poh Ling. They're my Dunman High Seniors!
All together now...*sings* "It's a small world after all..."
Clockwise from left: Me, Emen, Cheryl, Han Chien.
Cheryl: I shall give my best -squeeeee- face!!!
Han Chien: Buay tahan la, act cute!

English Lang./Lit people: Me and Emen (fellow TJCians!)
It so happened that we were talking about TJ Mass Dances, and Emen actually let slip that his batch was the one responsible for the monstrousity that is 'Larger Than Life'. Hurhurhur.

Emen sure is enjoying his food - the expression says it all. OooomphmmmmmMmMmmmm.
Zakiah, Gui Li and Me.

That's my lettuce cooking!


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The Girl

I thrive on temporary highs.
Neurosis is my middle name.

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