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Monday, October 31, 2005
1. I miss egg.
2. I break hairbands.
3. I hate commitment-phobic behaviour.
4. I think 'Pink Clouds' sounds really whimsical and bimbotic.
5. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to rinse my contact lenses when I take them out of the case. So (yesss, please go "ewwwwww..."), I just pop them into my eyes without doing so.
6. I paint my nails to prevent myself from biting them.
7. I get this cheap thrill from waking up superearly on a weekend/ holiday, then falling asleep again, upon the realisation that I can sleep in.
8. I eat Oreos without the cream.
9. I need a haircut. Badly.
10. I desperately long to mess up the funky arrangement of paper figurines that is on display along the walkway leading to the esplanade from Citylink.

1. Love me.
2. Make me smile.
3. Make me laugh. ;-)

1. Handphone
2. EZ-link card
3. Underwear
4. Hairband(Currently, it's pink...until I break it.)
5. Perfume
6. Wallet
7. Contact lenses
8. Egg's 'letters'

1. Bimbotic, self-centered girls.
2. Irresponsibility.
3. Whipped cream on my ice cream/ waffles.
4. Egocentrism ; as in, people who really have NO CLUE that they CMI (i.e. Cannot Make It.), and think the world of themselves. I'm okay with occasional egotrips.
5. Unresponsiveness.
6. Being vulnerable.
7. When my stupid handphone lags/hangs.

6 PLACES I'VE VISITED (lower case) OR INTEND TO (upper case)
1. Sydney
2. Beijing
3. Los Angeles

1.Have sex.
2. Eat fried chicken, cheese cake, roti prata, and all the fattening food which I usually avoid with a vengeance.
3. Lose Weight.
4. Make my loved ones really happy.
5. Have a really wild girls' night out.

1. Failure.
2. Getting caught by my parents when I'm with the Boy.
3. The SC Room eventually becoming infested with monster ANTS, drawn to the room by our ever-increasing pile of food wrappers/ drink containers next to the door, which no one bothers to clear.
4. Kneeling down to tie my shoelace next to a flight of stairs; I always have this horrible feeling that someone will kick me down accidentally (or not), and cause me to roll down the stairs, eventually ending up in a pile of my own blood with my limbs bent in odd angles. Don't ask.

1. Bathe
2. Fantasize.
3. SMS.

1. Send more SMSes (and hence, further exceed my quota of 500 free SMSes per month. Joy.)
2. Fall asleep.

1. Egg

Moody Monday alert!


Woke up early today, so I could go with Mummy to breakfast and acupuncture. I am never EVER going for acupuncture, okay. The needles are THICK, like, 0.7 pencil lead. Ewww. I mean, it's bad enough if you prick yourself with a sewing needle accidentally. *shudders*

Funny incident: I got mistaken for a Filipino maid today, by my aunt's friend. The sweet old lady actually turned to my Mum and asked, in Mandarin, "This is your maid, right?" Like, WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?! First time in my entire life, okay. Hahaha..Auntie needs glasses.

Met Gary and Ting Xu at 2p.m. for PW. Our PW is quite alright, but we still haven't decided on what to do about the resident slacker. Sighh. I really don't want to resort to writing a complaint letter to MOE. It's really quite drastic, don't you think? Why hasn't he woken up yet?? I can't believe this is how a supposedly mature 17 year old reacts to setbacks, i.e. avoid them somemore. Arghhhhh. Caught up with Tomato after that (finally!) and chatted for about half an hour. She's such a sweetie (: . Silly little girl, let's ROLL!

Swensen's Banana Crumble isn't as good as the Apple Crumble. Wei and I were so STUFFED after sharing one, that we didn't have anymore room in our stomachs for ice cream! Hehhh! Didn't do much at Parkway; we simply walked around looking at stuff...and ran into Rachieeee! Crazy girl had been walking around Parkway since 12 p.m., and she nearly crushed my ribcage with another one of her power-hugs. Whoo. I love that girl to bits. Silly Faiiii just told me about something he wrote for his A-level Chinese essay today. GOshhhhhhhhhhhh...I have nothing to say, except 'Good Luck'!! Adventurous storyline....;-)

I'll be going to LA in November!!! Wheeeee! SHoppingshoppingshopping!!! Plus, we'll get to see aaaaaallll the people we haven't seen for 13 years!!!! I'm so excited. DISNEYLAND!! Omg. The last time I went there, I was 3, and Mum grabbed Minnie Mouse's arm and refused to let go until she took a picture with her precious baby. LOL.

Don't let go, okay? I promise I will try to hold on forever. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cute word, eh? Haha.

I'm feeling really, really bored now. What the hell, I'm not supposed to be feeling bored! I have to do PW slides, National Day Commmittee Evaluation, Bio Homeostasis tutorial...plus, I have so many new books to read! Rawrrrr.

A piece of good news: I CAN BE PROMOTED TO YEAR 2!!! Woohoo!!!

Trust me, I'm not one of those 'shit-I-got-a-low-A'(*cues irritating wailing*) people. In fact, my academic performance this year has been the opposite of excellent, and far from satisfactory. Having only worked considerably harder towards the end of July, I'm actually quite happy with my FOOB (or FOEB, hopefully.), thank you very much. Scoff at me all you want, FOOB is the product of my hard work; it is an IMPROVEMENT, okay? I'm so sick and tired of my parents' absurdly high expectations. Arghh.

People are deluded. My PARENTS are deluded. They're still hoping that their firstborn will suddenly regain the brilliance of her primary school mind, and score straight As. My Dad actually said, 'It's expected of you to score at least B and above for all your subjects.' Like, I got COFF for my mid-years. Hello?? I'm WORKING ON IT!! What pisses me off further, is that they're so unsupportive (sometimes I even feel that my Mum is ashamed.) of me taking Lit, even when I'm doing well. Okay, so B isn't all that fantastic. But honestly, how many people can do Lit? (I'm not saying that I am a rare Lit genius; there are so many people who can do much, MUCH better. And I DEFINITELY need to work on my sciences and Math. ) You can get As and Bs for math and sciences for all I care, but that does not mean that you will definitely excel in a subject like Lit, or any other Arts subject like History, Economics and Geography. I'm tired of the prejudiced views that deem Arts students as 'lousier' or 'having fewer career prospects' than science students. Why can't these biased people just accept that different people are good at different things? Common sense, people??!! Shouldn't you be taking what you're good at, so that you'll have an easier time studying? You. Will. Be. Much. Happier. You will also be most likely to succeed in whatever you're doing. And please, this has got nothing to do with the fact that my boyfriend is an Arts student. It's got everything to do with the fact that I'm really PISSED OFF that my parents are too narrow-minded to appreciate their firstborn's flair for writing, that the B I got for Lit in the promos is completely INSIGNIFICANT to them, that I stubbornly chose the Science path when I'm obviously more of an Arts person (Can u say 'Loserrrr'?).

People are deluded. How many spend their whole lives trying to achieve impossibly high ideals, only to get disappointed at the end of the road?? You can tell me, "It's called 'pursuing your dreams', you ignoramus." I've had enough of cliches like "It's the journey, not the destnation, that matters." Sure, I respect those opinions...but don't you think we should be more realistic sometimes? For example, it's okay to want to be a doctor. It's okay to take triple sciences and 2 S papers. It's okay if you can't accept anything less than an A grade in your exams, and you wail loudly and audibly about it (Gosh, you insensitive freak.), as long as you have the abilities that actually permit you to set such goals for yourself. In short, we all have dreams, but do LET reality sock you in the face once in awhile. Face it, not everyone is a Thomas Edison. Sometimes you try and try and try all your life, and it amounts to nothing. So, why waste time pursuing something if you know your talents obviously lie somewhere else? Wake up, people!!!! Respect that we're all different, not just physically but also in terms of ability and talent, AND APPRECIATE THOSE DIFFERENCES.

I really admire Arts students, who dare to take the path less travelled.

A certain male blogger from Temasek Junior College has been the target of numerous 'poison pen' attacks, with many Hate-Tags appearing on his Tagboard over the past week after a few particularly insensitive posts. I've read the blog, and YES I do agree that certain posts border on being offensive, and the boy seems like a smartass who's utterly full of himself. However, I think people should refrain from leaving insulting messages on his tagboard, if they're not gonna leave their real names. Come on, there's nothing glorifying about hiding behind a pseudonym while you call someone a 'bitch', 'dickhead' or 'loser'. Either leave your name when you tag, or keep your mouth shut. This applies to all those horrible people who diss blog owners on their tagboards while they cowardly revel in the safety of a false name. I'm neither trying to be a self-righteous hypocrite, nor am I putting down those who left the Hate-Tags on J_ _ _ _' blog. I just feel that blogs are for people to express their own personal thoughts and feelings; respect that, please. It's simple: if you don't like what you're reading, then for Heaven's sake, don't read the blog. Like, yarrrrr I'm sure the owner of the blog will spend many sleepless nights tossing and turning because you spared his or her blog an insult.


Tomorrow's Monday again. One more week, and the holidays will be here. Oh joy.

I honestly don't know how I feel about the upcoming holidays.

The sky has lost its color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that's how it feels to me
Whenever you're away
I crawl up in a corner to watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you're comin' back

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time til' I next time see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm calling your name
I can't take the distance

I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time til' I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed that with every breath I take I'm calling your name

I'd brave fire and I'd brave rain
To be by your side I'd do anything
I can't take the distance

I will go the distance
I will go the miles
That's how much you mean to me
Cause' I can't take the distance
I can't take these miles
I can't take the time til' I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breathe I take I'm calling your name
I can't take the distance...

Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ugh. Monday.
I am so NOT looking forward to tomorrow. Second period: returning Maths promo paper! I already know that I'm gonna get a straight F, 'cos I gave up during the last hour, and spent my time writing notes for Bio, on Photosynthesis and Respiration. Plus, I haven't done my tutorials all year. Yeaaaaap. I'm pretty much screwed for Math. You think?

End of Day One. =)
It amazes me, that we actually managed to get here. I think back on all the second thoughts, all the 'relaying' of our feelings via Rach and Fai, all that uncertainty we had when we finally faced our feelings......I guess we were really being silly. After yesterday, it felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders, but seriously...it was kinda like a cliche situation! Beautiful scenery, nice romantic setting. Cliche, but nevertheless, wonderfully sweet and perfect......

IamnotemoIamnotemoIamnotemo. I am not emo.


I'm not!

Purple hearts are pretty. ;-)

Saturday, October 15, 2005
Woohoo! Exams are overrrrrrr. Better indulge in my temporary happiness, before reality socks me in the face again, next week. So NOT looking forward to it. Eww.

Yes, I DO intend to keep this blog, thank you very much. ;-) Life's just been either too busy or too boring to allow me to update. I don't like blogging about exams, it makes me queasy. Not to mention depressed. Rawrr.

TJC's Open House was yesterday. Lesson learnt: it is REALLY tiring to stand at the side gate with a pile of brochures, going 'Hi! Welcome to TJ' with a huge smile on your face. Initially, it was totally fun. Then it got hot. There's only so much enthusiasm and perkiness you can exude in one day. In one hothothothothothotsuperhot day. On the bright side, Jian Ming and Xiaowei popped by! Jian Ming's hair was...haha...erm...it's gonna grow out soon. Haha! =x Xiao Wei was just super chao tah. Angie and Andrew came as well, but I only saw my best girl. It was a great day in general, but didn't much of my sunshine. Ah well.

Went to the movies today. The Myth is actually not bad. We got front row seats, but it was still quite alright. Timeless romantic story, actually. Jackie Chan's character died standing up, leaning on a spear, which he plunged deep into the ground, surrounded by a huge pile of dead bodies. Soldiers that he managed to take down with him. Glorious end, eh? Didn't get to eat apple crumble at swensen's, though...no time. And yes, it's actually disturbing to talk about food after mentioning a pile of bloody corpses; I just realised.

Laadeedaaaa. Happpy, happy day. I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day!!

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The Girl

I thrive on temporary highs.
Neurosis is my middle name.

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