The weekend's almost over, and I haven't gotten much done. What's new? Some pics taken during Racial Harmony Day, which was more than a week ago. It was fun seeing everyone in ethnic costumes...SARIS rock! I love my blue sari, even though it's completely, utterly CHEAP. Not to mention low-quality...did I mention CHEAP ($7.50!!!)???

From Left: Chenyi, Weldie, Rachel (Wong), Me and KSW (aka Kennie).
Keng Foo and Elke. They took this picture for fun 'cos they both came in matching costumes. Doesn't it look so totally bridal?! Haha..Elk is such a babe.
Me and Keng Foo...he is SO boyish. =)
From left: Kula, Rach and me after GP lecture. You know, the sculptures in the background are really quite creepy at night. Mei Hui, Wenny,Winnie (hey check out the funky alliteration!!!) and I were stationed there during TA Fun Night. We were hiding behind the sculptures and we were supposed to jump out and scare unsuspecting people. It was quite dark, and the sculpted figurines were overlooking us...I imagined looking up, only to realise that the figurines had disappeared...WELL. My overactive imagination at work again...
Me and Zhi Zhan. That's Keng Foo in the background! =) I am such a short fart. pffffft.
That's all, folks! :)
Bruised and battered by your words, dazed and shattered; now it hurts.Since 22 May 2005. I've been trying to understand, but I can't help losing faith. We have different priorities ...I thought cherishing one another was enough cause for us to take things further, but I guess I was wrong. I AM wrong. I'm too childish, I live for the moment, I get high on emotions.
Irony after irony you have presented.
You're only almost there....
It's Tuesday, and I'm supposed to be in school, but I'm AT HOME! Why? 'Cos TJC peeps have one extra holiday! Hmm. Is it 'one extra day of holiday' or 'one extra holiday'; I mean, a 'holiday' refers to a day, right? For instance, the day before yesterday, I would have said, 'tomorrow is a public holiday.' If anyone knows, please tell me.
Anyway, the past few days have been spent on nothing but relaxation and fun. Saturday was abit screwed, 'cos Yoke---
oops, I mean, Yoggi--- thought I wanted to go out on Monday instead of Saturday. Miscommunication...hahaha. Anyway it wasn't terrible, 'cos I got to enjoy the simple pleasures of doing absolutely NOTHING. I adore that feeling, I tell you. I was originally supposed to go for my weekend run that evening, but it started pouring at around 6p.m. THen my Dad decided to treat me and my brother to Swensens (shite, i forgot to check the correct position of the ' !!!). So, instead of exercising, I ATE MORE. Wahaha! But it was good food, nontheless.
Goooooood food.
On Sunday, I went to the movies with Pig. Okay, he doesn't like that nickname. Whatever... We watched 'War of the Worlds', Pig's second time. I think it's a great film, and you don't have to be into all that sci-fi stuff ti appreciate it. Foo likes the movie 'cos it's about humanity...I guess it's true at some parts, like when Tom Cruise and his kids (in the movie) we driving through this mob of people, all of whom wanted to get into the car 'cos they believed that they could be saved. There was a man who actually plastered himself to the windscreen, using his own life as a threat, demanding to be let into the car.
Imagine the degree of desperation! Anyway, Uncle Tom (i'm calling him 'uncle' 'cos he's getting really really really old and
ah chek-ish..) couldn't let anyone in, cos if he did, EVERYONE would scramble into the car. Imagine that suddenly, so many people are depending on you for SALVATION, including a woman carrying a baby, who is standing in your way, preventing you from driving any further. If you knock her down, you will be inhuman 'cos it shows your disregard for 2 LIVES in order to save your own ass. If you don't, yay you're an angel who values lives and won't kill anyone just to save your own ass, but you will BE an ass cos everyone will eventually swarm all over you vehicle and attempt to hijack it. Which is what happened, actually. Anyway, I was disturbed by some scenes...shadn't say cos I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched. I think the whole reason why people are disturbed by certain unpleasant happenings is that they don't want to face the possibility that something like that is ACTUALLY happening to a human being, like themselves. If it's not in the context of movies and novels, it's worse; if something like that is happening in real life, they could be next. It's true, isn't it? Half the time I was telling Pig, 'can you imagine something like that happening in real life?' Scary. Was gorging on popcorn...Pig was supposed to protect the popcorn from me but he didn't even try!! Haha...we went shopping for birthday presents, got fat on takopachi (okay, it's not called that at the shop at Plaza Singapura...whateverrrr.) and met RACHIEEEEEEE!!! I love rachie. To bits. =D She is one hot babe.
Nick nick nick, nick nick nick nick, Nickelodeon!!!!!Hahahaha!!!
Council outing was yesterday. Turnout for badminton was HORRIBLE. Only Bryant, Zhiyong and Bennie turned up for the first hour. Then some of the exco members came after their meeting. It was still kinda fun though...Yong's brother came to play as well. They totally THRASHED me and Bennie. Yong actually told his brother, 'eh, don't smack at them la', as in, don't hit so hard 'cos they cannot
tahan! Hahahaha! Me and Ben are self-confessed badminton CMIs. No!!
Ben is damn PRO. He dismantled a shuttlecock with ONE swipe of the racket. WOW. We took photos! really really stupid-looking photos! Shall post them I can. =) Jiayi broke the strap of her Fendi tote. FENDI!!! Omg, that Brunei PRINCESS!! Haha! How careless!! FENDI!!
Fendiiiii. As in, something which I cannot bloody afford. Boohoo. Jiayi was so cute; she bought Moonflower from The Bodyshop for $9.90 and was super delighted, and she let everyone squirt abit on themselves for fun! LoL. Speaking of cute: Shouvik finally shaved his chin!! Cos 1984 has ended and he doesn't have to grow a beard to look mean and scary. Hehh. I think he looks like a teddy bear, but he doesn't like being called that. Ah well.
I HAD MY FIRST GAME OF POOL!!!!! Muahahahaha! yes, being the
suah ku (mountain tortoise) I am, I've never played pool until
4th July 2005. It was fun!! My incompetence is another story, though. Haha...Nicky and I got thrashed by Rachel(Wong) and Weldon 'cos of my lousy beginner's skills. Whateverr! I think I have a pool addiction!!! Hahaha..must go for a game soon! Heehee...
I heard something interesting yesterday. A friend of mine (not from TJC) was talking to his ex-classmates (both guys), and he mentioned some stuff about me. To which one of the guys responded that I think too highly of myself , and one of their friends who liked me needed better taste.
The latter is nothing but a mere tickle to my ego. But the former is what bothers me. I think to highly of myself? Like, since when?? Just 'cos I'm friendly with people of both sexes? Just because I know alot of people and alot of people know me? I don't see anything that people can pick on, apart from these two, seriously. Or is it just because I refuse to conform to certain unofficial feminine behaviour standards set by certain primates, who like girls that speak 3 words a minute and nod at everything they say? That, I look like someone who has an ounce of grey matter, who has the power to assert her own opinions, which the MCPs out there cannot stand? For the record, I stress again, that I don't think of myself as highly desirable. If you think so, then WOW, you must be paying so much attention to my behaviour that you're (a) reading too much into it, or (b) Hallucinating and imagining things. Then you should really get help. And I hope God blesses you.
Exams are finally over. The previous week was baaaad. Being the diligent, consciencious person I am, I started revising for my June Common Test on the last week of the June holidays, and finished studying on the day before my Maths paper. Yes, I'm implying that I STUDIED for something like Maths, which needs to be perfected by practice. I'm not gonna elaborate anymore on the papers, except that I am just hopinghopinghoping that I pass. Whatever it is, I'm just glad that no matter what, I can finally stop mugging my butt off for the time being, and play more! Haha! Keng Foo and I have decided to be muggers after JCT--- yeah, how ironic--- but I suspect that I will end up making the same mistake of not conscienciously and consistently studying again..ah well.
Wanted to watch 'War of the Worlds' yesterday with Tuannie, Weldie, Foo and some other councillors, but Mum wanted me back home early. Yes, I know 'Tuannie' and 'Weldie' sounds disgustingly gay, but guess what, that's the idea. Haha. Heard from Wei Yen and Foo that it's a very good film, and that Tom Cruise is great. Anyway, I'm gonna watch it tomorrow with Pig, so I guess we'll wait and see. =) Poor thing...he had to go to Dover at 7++ in the morning, just to cheer for some biathalon thingy at Singapore Poly. It was some Leo activity...heh...bored people, like Weldon, Kah Sing and Bryant took turns to chat for awhile after pig called me...what a complete waste of time--- a perfectly good Saturday morning is gone just like that. I was still lost in slumberland until 8 plus. Drat. I can't seem to make myself sleep late anymore, meaning that I have one less indulgence! AAArgh! Irritating. I want green tea ice cream.