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Monday, June 20, 2005
pimply shit.
After enjoying nearly 2 months of clear skin, my whole face is now invaded by an army of disgusting pimples. Actually most of them have dried up already, but let's face it: scabs on your face are still gross, right? I can't use conceal on them 'cos the concealer I have is too light. I must have gotten at least 2 shades darker since JC term started! Heh...not complaining about the nice tan though.

Pighead's back from China. Haha..seems like he was gone very long. Says he ate alot--- wait till you get fat! =p Then you know...hahaha...can laugh at you for a change. =p

Saturday, June 18, 2005
I was taking one of the longest baths in history when I decided how I want to die. I want to die LAUGHING.

Not 'HahahaHAHAHAHA-*chokes*HAHAHAHA-can't.f*cking.breathe.*gasp*HAAAaaa.' More like 'HahahaHAHAHAHA-Ooo look at that pretty white light-HAHAHA-so pretty..-HAHAHAHAHAHA...must.walk.towards.the.light.HAHAHAAAaaaa.'


Friday, June 17, 2005
I love Weldie!
Weldon is so cute. Apparently my number is saved under 'big-eyed Pearlyn' in his handphone! Ahahaha! So cute! Icky Nicky left for Malaysia (Should be KL..) at 2.22 p.m. today...received his sms while I was stuffing my face at Swensens--- again, even though I've been stuffing my face with all the great food served there for like, since EVER, I still don't know how to spell the name of the restaurant. Boohoo. Whatever.

I'm so mad at this cabbie, whose cab I sat in today. Now, the whole reason why I'm actually cabbing extravagantly is 'cos of my brother, who has tuition in this uber ulu place in Bedok, which is quite impossible to take bus to, 'cos you will have to navigate your into the maze-like housing estate on foot anyway (no bus goes right in.). So anyway, I had to attend a gathering with my girlfriends frm DHS after sending my brother home in a cab (lucky pig), so I told the driver "Uncle, after going to that place, can come back here to drop my brother off, then go changi airport?" Cabbie: "Nononono! I need to eat my lunch." After some negotiation, he finally agreed to at least Tampines MRT Station. That prick was in such a hurry to stuff his face that he drove at the speed of light. I had to keep myself from throwing up in his stupid taxi okay! Pffft.

On a happier note, I finally met up with the girls after almost 6 months of separation. Okay, that applies to Yoke Shan and Aurelia only...I bumped into the rest at some points of time , by chance or not. Heh. WE ATE ALOT. APPLE CRUMBLE ROCKS MAN! Mmmm. I'm seriously growing fat. Stupid Maria will laugh at me already...hmmmph. It was really great to see people like Yoke Shan..didn't know how much I missed her until today..sighhh. And Aurelia "it's-not-a-skirt-it's-actually-shorts' Zeng, who's getting more and more feminine these days despite her vehement denial. To Wei Yen: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! You sexy lady!! Getting prettier and prettier everyday.....Wei Yen's got HOT legs, by the way. We gave her this HUGE pink pig. Speaking of said pig, it's certainly a lucky bastard. Angie and I were trying to hug each other with it sandwiched in between us...

Me: Eh, this pig...is lucky shit okay..
Angie: Why leh?
Me: He gets to be sandwiched between 2 sets of boobs!

-_-" Okay nevermind, I'm lame sometimes.

I love my friends.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

That was just a temporary digression from what I'm gonna talk about. Seriously, I love green tea ice cream. Especially the one from Haagen Daz-- shit, even after stuffing my face with that stuff for so long, I can never be sure of the spelling! Is it 'Haagen Daz' or 'Hagen Daaz'? Probably the first one right? Shucks, nevermind.

Okay, back to original topic: pErverts. No, not a certain Mr Sng (cues 'W_ld_on Song'), the real sort. I've always regarded my block as a pretty safe place, compared to other parts of Tampines, like Aurelia's block, where there are FLASHERS. Ugh, I can't imagine anyone flashing his hairy bits in my face. OMG. Anyway, not exactly the point here; what I'm trying to say is that my block is not as safe as I thought it was, reason being that in the past couple of weeks I've ran into not 1--- but 2 perverts.

First encounter was on the day I went to TJC drama club's 1984. For don't know what reason--OH YAR I remember! It was 'cos of my 3rd floor neighbour's stupid new dog. Idiotic thing. Eew. I'm not an animal hater, by the way. I just don't understand why people manage to rear animals when they live in a flat. If the neighbours can't put up with the noise, how can they? Especially at like, 9a.m. in the morning? My neighbour's dog barks non-stop whenever people walk past, and it makes a hell load of noise for something that's so small. So there I was trying to avoid subjecting my precious sense of hearing to that torture, taking the lift instead of the stairs to the first floor. I pressed the button, and one lift door opened. You know usually when a lift reaches a certain floor and nobody gets in, the door will close after awhile and and it remains stationary until somebody pushes the button to open the door? When I got to the lift lobby (I find it very weird to describe the lift area as a 'lobby' in a HDB housing estate...), the light was already at the 6th floor i.e. it had already been on the 6th floor for awhile, but the door was closed. When it opened, instead of being empty, there were 2 Bangala workers inside. And they were looking damn horny I tell you. My first thought was 'WTF??!!' Then, 'Okaaay. Not good.' At that very moment, the other lift door opened, and there was a middle-aged couple inside. I cheonged in like nobody's business. The woman was like, 'this lift is going up', and when I told her that I she smirked at her husband knowingly. Patronising Cow. So the lifted finally reached the ground floor and I got out..... @#$%^! The two men were loitering outside the lift area okay! Luckily there were other people walking past at that time. I was so freaked, I brisk walked--- maybe even ran at some point--- to TM.

Second encounter with pervert: today morning. I, being the selfless, fillial daughter I am, went to the market to buy breakfast for my family. Laden with plastic bags of food and groceries, I trudged back to my block, which was surprisingly isolated at that time of the day. So anyway there was this man walking very much ahead ahead of me. As I headed to the lift, the man turned behind. Now, I KNOW it's a very normal reaction to turn behind once you sense another human being behind you. I know. But this guy didn't just turn his head--- he turned his head, then he angled his body in a 'oh-look-what-we-have-here' stance'. I AM DEAD SERIOUS. NO MISTAKING THAT OKAY. I am NOT that sort of person who thinks that everyone is turned on by her, by the way. Whatever. I was already walking damn fast to the lift area. I didn't even dare to turn behind and see if he was following me ....instead, I reached into my pocket for my pevert/robber alarm--- digression; at the beginning of the year, this security company came to my Dad's office to advertise all these high-tech devices which they promised would make you home/workplace a safer place to be in. My Dad got me this thing that looks like a pager without an LCD screen. When you pull this cord, in case of any robber/pervert, there will be a horrifyingly shrill alarm which is REALLY REALLY repulsive. Nifty, eh? So I never leave home without it. Back to story: I reached for my alarm...

F*ck. It's at the bottom of the bag of vegetables. Threw it in there to make space for my handphone in my pocket. Damn. Sprinted the last 2 metres into the lift, jabbed the 'close' button like crazy. Phew.

So freaky right? I don't even dare to tell my Mum; she'll probably barr me from leaving the house. LoL. Anyone knows where to get pepper spray? Never had this sort of problems until this year. Sharon's very used to this sort of thing---Sharon's my friend who has a very curvy bod, which alot of pervs like to stare at. She's damn brave man..walks home alone at like, 11-ish at night. Actually I wanted to tell my Dad not to come downstairs to wait for me everytime I go home late. Now I'm not gonna tell him! Eeks. I'm gonna insist on being excorted to the void deck once I go home later than 10p.m. from now on.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

TJC 29th Students' Council Investiture: Welfare I/Cs Past and Present. Posted by Hello

Una Voce (TJC Choir Concert 2005)- pretty flowers, fugly makeup! Posted by Hello

Me, Angie, Mich @ 1984 by George Orwell (TJC Drama CLub Production 2005) Posted by Hello

I was watching 'Romance of the Red Chamber' ('Hong(2) Lou(2) Meng(4)' in Chinese..) on cable TV yesterday night. Okay, I wasn't exactly watching. The computer happens to be just next to the TV set in my living room, so I just happened to glance over and read the subtitles.

And that was enough to make me laughandlaughandlaughandlaugh..

"My heart tripped and fell.'

Oh the anguish! The pain! The RIDICULOUS IMAGERY! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahha! I laughed for as long as my sore abs could stand it. Ouch. I think that these old Shaw Brothers movies are superduper wayang. For the audience to understand that, for example, Character A is angry with Character B, they will have to sit through this song and dance segment which consists of both parties narrating what happened first while prancing around like ninnies who drank too much Red Bull. The first time I saw this, I nearly died of confusion and boredom; get on with it already! I really don't know how to appreciate this sort of movies. Then again, how many people of my generation can?

Ugh. And guess what. My Mum's watching the re-run now.

Sunday, June 12, 2005
Wishing you were somehow here again...
Pig messaged all the way from China...hee..silly MUGGERRRRR.

My abs hurt like shite. I can't laugh properly..ouchie.


I want to be pampered.

I'm actually referring to a note I wrote for someone as I type this entry. My memory is really failing me! Sometimes I find that i can't remember the stuff that happened the day before---could this be a sign of early-onset Alzheimer's Disease? You know, once while I was considering the possibility of that happening to me, I decided that I would start a scrapbook of picutures, short notes, etc which would remind me of all the wonderful memories of the past if I actually forgot everthing in the future. And then I forgot all about the idea and said scrapbook, is to this day, still non-existent.

Yesterday was Council Handover Day. We were supposed to meet the seniors at Harbourfront MRT station at 9a.m.. Mei Hui and I met at 8.10a.m. and went to meet Weldon---oops, I mean, YUAN HUA--- at Tanah Merah, and subsequently got delayed due to Mr Sng's really really CMI(Cannot Make It.) and untimely bowel movements. By the time we reached Sentosa, it was 10.30 a.m., and the seniors were pissed off. Anyway, we had to split into 2 groups and we were given an empty 1.5l water bottle per group. Then we had to all get into the water, and 'protect' the bottle from being filled up by the seniors, who would then splash water at us mercilessly--- I'm not kidding when I say 'mercilessly'. It was quite alright, except that vertically-challenged people like me who are still in "Beginners" for swimming P.E. totally CMI in the deeper regions. So I panicked until someone (Nick or Bryant I think..) dragged me to shore. It. Was. So. Embarrassing.

Then there was this other game, in which we had to run one by one into the sea, get some SEAwater (EEW.) with our mouths and roll abt 1.5 metres to the bottle, and deposit whatever that was in our mouths into the bottle until we filled it up. I'm not kidding about the rolling part either. It was so gross, the way the water left this lingering taste in our mouths. I even choked at this point 'cos I laughed, thanks to Sam and You Chai who kept making stupid remarks like ,'Pearlyn..HAHA!' Pfft. It justs gets better. When I laughed, I couldn't roll properly. Then OTHER PEOPLE also laughed at me, 'cos I looked really really RIDICULOUS. You should see have seen the water we brought back; it was totally disgusting.

After that, we had this very retarded Captain's Ball game , in which everyone basically bodyslammed everyone into the water to get the ball. Mei Hui was damn cute. She ran around putting sand into the guys' shorts! Hahah! We also had a really childish sand fight, during which I got sand thrown at me ALOT. I'm SERIOUSLY a very easy target. Eugh. The guys had this wrestling match among themselves, which I totally catch no ball. Hmm..must be a manly bonding thing? Haha..I'm suddenly reminded by this scene in 'The Wedding Planner'...nevermind. I think Royston has this very BEASTLY quality that stood out alot during the wrestling match. It's just the physique and the behaviour (e.g. shaking off water violently from his head)...haha..anyway, I'm even more tanned! Not much sunburn..except for this spot below my collabone. Drat. Anyway, my dearest Elke reminded me to apply suntan lotion onto my cleavage also. LOL. AND IT WORKED! Hah! Such sexy tanlines.

Got back to school in a cab with Nicky, Mr Sng (weldon) and Gabriel. We should have just taken out time with the MRT instead of WASTING money on cab fare. UGh. The seniors left us waiting outside the SC room, at the mercy of our own forms of mindless entertainment (Read: Truth or Dare) for 2 splendid hours. I guess I wasn't much of a sport, 'cos I kept choosing Truth. It's safer, duh! Poor Nick. He picked Dare. And he got his nipples twisted by Arvin, Ben and Raimi. DAMN SICK. Hahaha..the poor guy. Elke was supposed to do the counting (30 seconds)..so she went like, "30..29..28..27..26..25242322212019181716151413121110987654321! Okay, guys let him off!!" LoL. We had to run 2.9 km and spell 'Temasek Junior College Twentyninth Students' Council' while doing pushups, in exchange for the key to the SC room. Next, we had to FIND the key in some grass patch at about 8p.m...so dark how to find??!! So anyway, when we finally got into the room, we were greeted by the most HORRIBLE MESS. I'm just really disturbed at the thought that the seniors spent most of their time in there doing stuff while breathing. Gabriel and I found (fermenting?)Milo and yogurt, while CK uncovered a half-eaten pack of mouldy Twisties and a bottle of (CK: '..I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!')...stuff. There was even a pair of disgusting, DISGUSTING BRIEFS! I don't even want to think about the stuff they did in there.

And my locker..well..I was really touched. Thanks, Ivan. You're a wonderful senior, and I'm proud to be your successor for Welfare! Thanks for all your gifts..I will treasure them, I really will. =)

Oh my gosh. My brother's watching TV next to me as I'm typing this. Just now, I was totally fixated on the computer screen, when suddenlyI heard...

"I gotta pee!"
.....in this very cute animated kiddy voice coming from the TV! I guess at that point it was totally hilarious. To me. Ah well. I laugh at anything and everything lah, right Angie? haha..

I miss my Pig!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
"Guys, maybe you would like to know that we girls do like it sometimes when you show us your macho-ness, and gets all possessive and growly. We may show that we're pi**ed off, but we're secretly happy. Of course, we are not asking u to go overboard, and get jealous at the slightest things. However, please be more sensitive. We need boyfriends who are attuned to our needs, not our fathers or Keanu Reeves in Matrix (read: Wooden plank with no emotions.)"

Well said, Angie.

You better pay attention okay.

I saw a guy hit his girlfriend yesterday. How sick is that? All wife-bashers, girlfriend-whackers, and basically all men who beat women are bastards. The guy pulled his girlfriend's hair, then cuffed her on the neck. By then, people were staring. It was outside the MRT station okay! Then she screamed and backed away from him, prompting the shithead to PUNCH her.

ARGH. And you know what the best part is? Men. Fully grown men with enough muscles to restrain the scrawny bastard actually SIDE STEPPED as if it was none of their business. STUPID COWARDS. Anyone with the ability to stop situations like this, and PRETENDS that it's not his business, is a complete, and absolute SOB. It's pathetic, that's what it is. You are a huge beefcake with muscles the size of Alaska, while I'm short and possess no ability to knock anyone out with my grape-sized biceps. Yet I'M the one who actually took a step forward towards the guy, before the voice in my head screamed at to back off, unless I wanted to reconstruct my face. UGH.

Why do some guys feel that they have a right to hit women? Because they're physically stronger? And what, making a woman cry out in pain gives you some sort of SATISFACTION is it, you sick bastards?? Men and their bloody egos. I think it's really really WEAK you know..that these jerks have to resort to violence when they don't get what they want from their female partners. It just proves that such people are f*cking immature and do not have the capacity to UNDERSTAND WOMEN. Either that, or they're just really sadistic sods.

Burn in Hell, you horrible, horrible f*ckers.

Saturday, June 04, 2005
Lazy lazy me.
Chocolate covered almonds are evil little things.

Don't be fooled by how innocent they look, sitting harmlessly inside the nice cellophane packaging. Beneath that exterior lurks a sinister presence. Little voices, constantly beckoning... Little voices that cry out, 'eat me! eat me!' Little voices that never stop. Sweet ovoids of diet-destruction! May blind DOOM fall from the sky onto your ugly, sugary heads!

I'm bored? What, you could tell??


Going to visit Mum at the hospital now.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Conversations with melonboy have influenced my decision to write this post. I guess I'm still kinda baffled by this guy, even after about 5 months of knowing him. To melonhead: You have baffled even The wisest, more wonderful strawberry. Any thoughts? =p

I guess it all started with Saturday, when he came to the play with her. Before that, I had nothing but utter disdain for such a girl, whom I hypothesized was toying with his feelings, whom i initially decided to regard with a cold, bitchy stare. Until I met her.

Miche: eh..is that his gf..
Me: SHIT! I know that girl!

Well...turns out that she's my friend frm choir in sec 1, when I was still in Chung Cheng High (Main), and she's definitely NOT the sort who will hurt people deliberately..spoke to her awhile, heard her side of the story. I don't know..perhaps it was too much for me. I mean, TWO very emotionally responsible individuals. Okay wait, that's 'Emo R.',a characteristic that's definitely missing in me, which I shall irresponsibly blame on some genetic defect.

I guess it's always been like this for me? Maybe it's 'cos I'm very pragmatic about such things. Love? Hah. No more fairytales for me... sometimes people are in a relationship NOT because they're in love. They may like each other..but it does not mean that they are IN LOVE, and want to spend the rest of their lives together in eternity. I guess I have myself to blame for It.It's...UGH. It's...baffling. yes, once again, the great strawberry is baffled. ARGH. Complex emotions are so difficult to handle! Maybe it's retribution for being for callous towards the feelings of other people?

Why am I even bothered. Hah. I'm just irked when people are as Emotionally Irresponsible as I am... the practical part of me is still very much in control okay...I like the no-strings-attached, obligation-free feeling....yet somehow I feel that It's going nowhere.

I have issues. ARGH.

Apologies to everyone who've been tagging faithfully..I admit that this blog has been collecting dust in cyberspace for MONTHS. Been really really busy with school stuff...thank goodness investiture's over. :) I think we really did a good job for that, especially RECEPTION! Heh..okay so i'm being biased 'cos I'm reception IC, but it was actually quite organised, for a group of people who were just briefed the day before. I LOVE COUNCIL! Looking forward to Sunday's BBQ..quite sad that some people cant' go though..
like Amande and Shouvik..and JONNIE! pffffft.

Tried to prepare lunch just now. All I had to do was to pop 3 slices of bread into the toaster. Sounds easy? Think again. I nearly blew up the bloody thing. I did follow instructions, I really did! Imagine my shock when I smelt something burning and saw all that smoke. Hahaha. I'm sure you'll agree that I'm quite hopeless. :p And you know what..that was screwup number 1. Screw up number 2 came when I, came up with the brilliant idea of scraping off the burnt parts of the bread with a bread knife. You have to understand that the bread wasn't just mildly burnt. It was totally, utterly bona fide CHARRED. But I just went ahead with the scraping anyway...and got black dust all over the kitchen worktop and floor. I think my maid was quite pissed 'cos she just mopped the floor earlier on...ah well. Smsed maria about my little adventure and he called me, leading to screwup number 3.

M: hello pig..

I got chilli tuna all over the sofa!!! It was so oily and everything, and it actually kinda stinks after awhile. Mum is so gonna flip when she finds out about my wonderful housekeeping skills..

More about my weekend..hmm..went to TJC Drama Club's production, 1984 by George Orwell, on Saturday. Had dinner with Angie, Miche and Maria @ Swensens...ate STICKY CHEWY CHOCOLATE!!! Oh man..I LOVE ICE CREAM okay..I just hate the calories. Anyway, it was really really great.. went to TJ quite early, and guess what? I saw Linden! haha..he's this guy frm my OG during second orientation..whom i had to constantly bug to come for orientation. I suspect he only remembers me 'cos of my incessant 'don't PON!!' haha...just kidding.. it's always nice to meet friends..his girlfriend's quite pretty.

Most of the 29th SC went for the matinee (that's 'MaH-tEn-NaE' according to vidhi..), so we sat with the seniors. Tuan was still going on and on about his 'long black thing', which is so NOT what it sounds like man... he is such a pervvvvvv. :p My darling Vidhi was great on stage...girl you still look HOT in a fat suit okay! And Shouvik..and Heri...they were really into character. I think the play's one of those things which don't seem to mean anything remarkably deep initially..but after you actually think about it, the disturbing part kinda hits you...like Chuang May's loony scene..haha...it was really good...

Nearly got into trouble with Dad after that..'cos it ended really late (like, almost 11.30pm..)and I shared a cab with zz. So my dad actually came downstairs to wait for me..and saw this guy coming out of the cab before his precious princess. Hah..needless to say he was very disapproving.

I just ate like, 6 oreos...but I threw away the cream for 4 of them. I think the cream's too sweet..not to mention fattening. lalala... Hope zz's junior frm ngee ann sec. council makes it into TJC...she has alot of potential!! (yeah i know it's cliched. but what else to say..) I want her to get in by direct admission instead of some smartass overachiever who will probably get in anyway based on results for O-levels. She seems so much more down-to-earth and NORMAL..intelligent girl with many commitments...screwing up studies a little..but still striving for exellence.....as opposed to I-get-straight-As-all-the-time smart alec who doesn't really need the direct admission thing to go to JC. Might as well put those brains and gifts for studying into good use by mugging like mad for Os and getting 10 A1s right...

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The Girl

I thrive on temporary highs.
Neurosis is my middle name.

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