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Saturday, March 26, 2005
I love being an OGL. =)
I love being an OGL.

O2 doesn't suck as much as expected. Attendance was not bad on the first day, but the stuff we did on the first day was incredibly boring! Okay so as an orientation group leader, I'm supposed to be possess neverending rivers of enthusiasm. But seriously, I was bored shitless!!! Oh well. I did try my best to get the OGMs to bond and mingle around though..my spirits only picked up during mass dancing. Haha. I TAUGHT SOME PEOPLE HOW TO DO 'RUNNING MAN' OKAY!!!!! Muahahha...I feel so accomplished!! To think that 2 weeks ago, I was one of the hopeless OGLs who couldn't do that. =p

The second day totally rocked! However, attendance was baaaaaaaad. We had Amazing Race, and my group only had ELEVEN people. Sad huh. Sidetrack: I LOVE JIANMING!!! Thank you for making "Mum" happy by joining us, even though you're not in TJ anymore. WE WILL MISS YOU OKAY. And please be less blockheaded. Ahem. ;) So anyway, cos of my darling, enthusiastic son, our group became very loud and spontaneous! For the record, my voice is GONE. And I have choir practice on tuesday.There is no way I'm gonna recover from monday's shouting, 'cos I anticipate alot of screaming by then. Good luck to me!

Another piece of bad news: I am one of the leaders for the Soundcheck this thursday. which puts me in deep shite, 'cos (1) I am completely musically illiterate. (2) I don't know one of the songs. at all. (3) I have to organise practices ASAP. and on monday, I won't even be able to attend any practice.

AAAAARRRGH! I don't want Orientation to end!!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005
I'm Sorry.
Just wrote in my own personal journal--- 5 pages and 5 lines. It’s been 2 months since I wrote in there. It’s also the second-last day of my 1-week break, and I haven’t done a SINGLE piece of revision or homework. How I rock the universe. Go me.



The oxford dictionary defines it as ‘pained, regretful penitent; feeling pity, wretched’. It’s a word that’s often ALWAYS misused by everyone. For example, someone is late, for, say…CHOIR PRACTICE. Right. Fantastic Example. He or she bursts in, brandishing excuses of the clearly unapologetic who want to get out of trouble, even though the very first thing he or she says may be, “Sorry, my bus got caught in a jam. So sorry…’ What goes though his or her mind is often always ‘I’m NOT sorry for being late for something that’s not going to grant me any PEARLS points (For the REALLY uninitiated, the Ministry of Education in Singapore has scraped off the PEARLS system for Co-curricular Activities. Or Pupil Development Programmes, as they call them in my school. Which means that, technically, we can abdicate whatever responsibilities we have towards our CCAs if we think it’s not worthwhile. Such realists Singaporeans are… but I’m digressing.), so it’ll be a cold day in HELL before I’ll be really apologetic about being late for something that’s so time consuming, that it’s RUINING MY SOCIAL LIFE!!!!’

Now where did that come from…

Point is, “Sorry” has become so misused, that it doesn’t have much significance these days. In the past, grown men would have rather DIED than apologized. The tremendous value and impact of saying the S-word apparently transcended the importance of their own lives; like, “I’ll rather be dead than say sorry, lest my manly pride shatters into a zillion pieces across the night sky…..’ Come on, they probably said something like that. They MUST have. Think Chinese martial art movie. Just maybe a tad more poetic. But similar.

Same goes for the F-word, actually. ‘F_ _ _’ was a more crude term for, er, copulation. Now, it’s used to punctuate sentences, as an adjective, verb, noun, and even to tell time ---- ‘it’s ten-f***ing-thirty……’ but I’m digressing. So…

The whole reason why I’m writing all these is ‘cos I haven’t been a very good friend to 3 people lately, and I really want to apologise, but “sorry” is such a cheap word. I really don’t want to lose you guys as friends.

From the bottom of my heart, I apologise. I guess I’m not the sort who’s really sincere about saying sorry most of the time. You guys should more or less know. It’s a pretty useless word actually. I guess I’m emotionally irresponsible, always not knowing what to do after apologizing; there is always a degree of helplessness on my part. I also have the tendency to apologise for stuff that will inevitably cause hurt and a certain extent of emotional damage to others.

I say it a thousand times, and I’ll say it again: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.


Friday, March 18, 2005
And the bass keeps runnin’ runnin’ and runnin’ runnin’
Runnin’ runnin’ and runnin’ runnin’
Runnin’ runnin’ and runnin’ runnin’ ……

Got back from OGL camp 2 days ago. It was quite enjoyable, and I have a feeling that O2 will be more interesting than O1. I just hope that people won’t skip second orientation. AHEM. I like the way my skin has a nice glowing tan now, even though my arms are dual-coloured. Can always even out the tan someday… =) FINALLY conditioned my hair with proper, good quality hair products, and not some crummy bottle of gunk that I bought for S$1.50 out of utter desperation. OGL camp has somehow made me feel more fit and toned; must be all that running around and perspiring, plus mass dancing! I’m ADDICTED to ‘Let’s Get Retarded’!!! Such a funky song. Oh, and I finally mastered “running man”. Did that for my workout this afternoon…it’s like going jogging ...just that you have to make the extra effort to remain stationary. ^_^

Chun Kiat is Incendium’s clan leader. I think our clan seriously ROCKS! The OGLs are the more enthusiastic people…plus most of the O2 exco and sub-comm are in Incendium as well!!! It’s a pity that we have the ‘privilege’ to sit upstairs in the auditorium during Orientation Night. Bahhh. Ah well, we will still scream the house down!!

I caught ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ today. Finally, some Me-time after days of school activities. Choreography meeting ended early today ‘cos we were so efficient. Then I slowly walked over to TM, bought Seventeen mag, tickets to the movie and went to stone at Long Jihn Silver’s. I think I’m getting good at that. Stoning, I mean. Marcus came at 12.30. and we lunched at Ajisen. We were both a little fazed at eating with a ladle…ahah. I couldn’t finish my meal at all okay!! The soup had too much MSG…too much noodles…and oil. Mr superhuman metabolism struck again, though. Waited for M to finish his games at the arcade ---- I still can’t figure out the fascination with arcade games =s ---- then got into the cinema just in time. It was FREAKING cold, despite the fact that there were quite a lot of people. We ended up sharing my jacket, which, needless to say, wasn’t sufficient. The movie was good though. I love the Victorian gothic architecture… AND I LOVE SUNNY!!!! She’s SOOOO KYOOOOOTE!!!! Absolutely loved her gurgling and incoherent babbling. LoL. Jim-rubberface-Carrey was really excellent as the villain… tons of drama and exaggerated facial expressions as usual. The only minus was that the story doesn’t really have much depth..like most books-turned-movies. E.g. Harry Potter…Spiderman. Oh well. Still fun lah.

Mum called after that. She wanted me to buy fresh chicken from NTUC, so that she could cook chicken rice. I mean, SERIOUSLY. Can you imagine me even TOUCHING poultry? I had to ask this woman next to me to help me choose a nice one. (Anyway during dinner, my Mum just told me that the one I selected was way too thin. Everyone’s a critic.) And Marcus was not helping lah! He was taking my picture..somehow he always gets me looking very spastic. Pfffft.

I loved the muffin. Thank you. =)

Saturday, March 12, 2005
I’m slightly affected by a thing that happened yesterday. Even now….but I guess life goes on. People move on, and I hope he will….

Dong dang sayang, dong dang sayang,
Dong dang sayang….

Dong dang sayang, dong dang sayang….

Pffft. Attended choir at DHS this morning. Met Marcus in the canteen…no idiotic security guard around, phew. Heh. His hair ( what’s left after Tekong…) is growing back, and he’s peeling all over! Eww. Poor thing. I am amused by his hat-hair.

Choir was pretty mundane. Jerrold is as earnest as ever as the student conductor. I always think of an eager, red-cheeked choir boy whenever I look at him. Hahah! He. Is. Just. So. Cute. Watching him getting all serious is really amusing--- in an endearing way, I guess. Heheh. I didn’t do much teaching today, ‘cos I missed warm-ups. Oh well. Next time then. Spent most of the time sitting behind crapping with M. He has so many weird pictures in his phone! And for some reason, he kept wanting to take my picture; I am so un-photogenic! So I kept ducking..he got one in the end still lah. An ugly, spasticated one. Pffft.

Ms Lai was also in the choir room. She saw me and went like, ‘Pearlyn, since you’re in Dunman High Choir tee, can you please tuck in your shirt?’ -_-||. Blah. Ah well. Mr Kiw also saw me, but he didn’t say a SINGLE thing about my attire, despite his status as Discipline Master! Heh. He asked me about school and commented that my face looks so pointed now. Hah! That’s like, a good thing. Luckily at that point of time, Marcus was in the toilet. Staff toilet(!). But that’s not the point. If Kiw had seen him, he would have been interrogated like there was no tomorrow. Haha.

We left choir early, for brunch at Mac’s. Being an ex Dunmanian for 2+ months has caused my mind to draw a blank when M asked which bus to take. So we walked and walked out of the gate….to a random bus stop and took Bus 158. And I was correct! Tralala. And I didn’t fall!

-_-|| Blah.

Was treated to yogurt. Watched in envy as M devoured an entire meal in less than 20 minutes. Stupid superhuman metabolism!! It’s nice to talk face to face…after so long. Hehh. Ah well. More walked after that. Took a longer route back to DHS, where we sat stoning in the foyer until Mum came. I don’t know why she keeps insisting to fetch me everywhere even until now. ..I feel like I’m obliged to obey every single thing she says. Which isn’t what I like to do mostly. It’s very restricting somehow.

Yeah I know, that sounds ungrateful.

Monday, March 07, 2005
Mr Hot Butt wears G-string boxers.

Don't ask. =)

Sunday, March 06, 2005
Attack of the clueless shopaholic.
As I am writing this entry, there is a plate of orange skins next to my laptop. Sinless indulgences. =) Well, I should really pay close attention to what I eat these few days, after that box of CARAMEL popcorn I gorged on yesterday while watching ‘Romeo and Juliet--- Shakespeare by the bay’. It wasn’t a bad performance…the outdoor concept was a refreshing experience from the usual air-conditioned concert halls. The downside was the price of the ticket; S$18.50. Food and mat not inclusive. Plus, you had to get there early to grab the good seats, which were (a) preferably near the stage (incidentally, rather tiny.) and (b) NOT on an ant hill.

I found the actors incredibly talented, ‘cos they could act, sing and play musical instruments. They were expressive and could maintain sufficient connectivity with the audience despite the distracting outdoor atmosphere….the only disconcerting thing, I felt, was the lack of chemistry between the two leads. Visually, they were incompatible, with Romeo being over 6 ft tall, and Juliet….she’s no Yao Ming. Maybe it was the music blaring from the stadium opposite the field we were at, or the fact that my butt was hurting from prolonged sitting…but I found their dialogues pretty stilted. Yeah, so there were the supposedly romantic moments…kissing, love struck gazes, promised of eternal love and adoration….to me, there wasn’t the ‘smooshhhhh’ factor; throughout the play, I just couldn’t forget, even for a moment, that the leads were ACTING. It wasn’t convincing enough for me to be transported back into Shakepearean times, in the misdst of the Capulet-Montague feud, the very catalyst that spelt doom for the star-crossed lovers. I couldn’t feel Juliet’s pain, her anguish of being denied the one she loved…or Romeo’s frustrations of not being able to see his beloved after his imminent exile. Even at the end, when they die side by side…I wasn’t moved. I could still laugh when Yasmin made some weird whimpering noise, so that portion was pretty disappointing. The other actors were really good though, especially the woman playing the nurse. I would like to experience acting like that someday..on stage playing someone out of character. Like a psychopath, perhaps? ;) Ah well. Someday.

Went shopping with Angela yesterday! I wanted to get that nice Cocoa Butter lip balm from The Body Shop, but it was out of stock. The pots of fruity flavoured balm were nice, but inconvenient. Next, we went into Series. I LOVE the bohemian-inspired flowy skirts. Angie and I tried on a few of them….but I balked at the obscenity of the price. I mean, 53 bucks for a skirt? I got my pretty wrap skirt at Ebase for TEN BUCKS, and the quality is just as good. Nevertheless, I will save up until I can afford one item of clothing there. I even tried on this really really really REALLY short micro-mini just for fun. It’s the shortest skirt in history, I tell you, but frankly, it looked quite…..HOT. Hahaha…admittingly it was quite nice with the top I was wearing, but my Dad will obviously FLIP when he sees it. Oh well. Esprit was such an escapade….we had…an accident in the fitting room, involving a disgusting denium top and a very tricky zipper. Shall not go into details to avoid further embarrassment, but I’m sure the sales assistant at the fitting room was amused by the sounds coming from a particular cubicle. =) To cut the rest of the long story short, I basically tried on everything nice I saw, wanted to buy everything, but couldn’t afford anything. Sigh. What’s new huh.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
I got 10 points, which is frankly, a HUGE relief.

But I guess you won’t want to hear about my dreams huh. I had dreams about my results. Terrible dreams.

Anyway, I’m not going to talk about something which is already over. Spoke to M today. Kinda miss the way he used to be readily online for me to rant with.. ah well. He seems to be having a good time in PT. I mean, I would too. All the buffed, hot bods. Okay, not ALL. Some.

I did my toenails today! They look so. Hot. Hah! It cost me absolutely NOTHING, two coats of light varnish and a little scribble of dark carnish with a toothpick after that. Hah. To think people spend SEVENTY DOLLARS on their nails in one sitting. Pfft.

I am seriously in dire need of stuff to blog about.

Am all out of conditioner. DRAT.

Oh yar. The hot-butted GP tutor came to our class last week for a sit-in session. I was in the toilet when he went into class, so I didn’t realize anything when I came back. That was when Shaun, Joan and Francis started gesturing in his direction. Heh. I SO do not have a crush on him, if that’s what you’re thinking. The only thing that’s hot about him is his butt, it’s so….oh come on, you don’t want to hear this. Anyway, Francis had the audacity –gasps for heightened effect- to suggest that I give his butt a thwack. I said, ‘A true butt connoisseur never touches her subject. It has to be admired from afar.’ I think it impressed people. Okay, they just snorted, but they SHOULD have been impressed. I mean, check out my self-restraint. Brrr. I guess Sara and Angie will still snort when they see this.

Things to get the next time I go shopping:
New conditioner
Lip balm
Phone sock
Contact lens solution
Present for…..whoever’s birthday that’s coming. Gotta check my planner.

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The Girl

I thrive on temporary highs.
Neurosis is my middle name.

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