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Friday, January 28, 2005
It's been one hectic week. Choir practice today was TIRING. Yours truly spent 4 hours lip-synching to impossibly difficult songs. Was coughing like mad most of the time…..this is stupid. I’ve already been sick for one week plus! I think I even spread the bug to the people in my subject group and civics group. Chun Kiat didn’t come to school today. It’s probably my fault….

There’s a tutor in my school who always wears really really tight shirts and trousers. He has the cutest butt man! Shaun (SG friend) was grossed out by my gushing. I was like, “ohmygosh…hot butt hot butt! Mr Hot Assssssssss.” Ooo Laa Laa. His butt is not too big, not too small. It’s nice and pert. Shaun is worst. He said, “I bet it’s firm.” Probably is? Hehhhh.

I better stop.

I’m really bonding with my SG now. We lunch together sometimes, and everyone’s so incredibly nice. It sorta eases the boredom during lectures, especially biology! Bio is super boring, simply because the tutor is blah, and an all round COW. Moo. Anyway, I’ve been going round giving people nicknames related to food. There’s sugerpiehoneybunch, cream puff, chocopuff, cherry pie, waffle, candy cane, cookie, muffin, cupcake, caramel sugar (meixuan’s creation.), pumpkin, honey, jellybean, strawberry……..loads more. Heh. I’m running out of nicks. Jian Ming indulges in his newfound identity as a child’s favourite snack. He says that he can hook people. Lunched with him today…he’s actually a very nice person to talk to. He looks totally psychotic without his glasses! Oops. Haha. He calls me bimbotic. Hello??!! As if….I’m so intellectual and smart and……..smart.

Swapped uniforms with Joann from my SG today. She’s so damn TINYYYYY, I could barely fit into her skirt. Luckily, the buckle didn’t pop after lunch. I love the Cedar uniform, ‘cos it’s hardly a uniform, it’s a fashion statement! LoL.

Missed Orientation Organising Committee elections today ‘cos of choir. Ahhh. Only Weldon got a post…it’s okay guys, let’s run for house comm. together! Speaking of choir….during break, something really funny happened. Audrey wanted Ritz cheese crackers, so she put a dollar into the vending machine. The packet got STUCK, so we all tried to wham it out of the machine with our tiny fists. Then, Sophia had the brilliant idea of putting in another coin, so that the earlier pack would get pushed out. So Audrey put in another dollar and a pack fell out…..while the other one got wedged by the mechanism. It was so anti-climatic and hilarious….Sophia was in hysterics. ^_^





Why is this happening to me.

Sunday, January 23, 2005
bloody smokers.
I hate smoking.

I went out with my family for dinner yesterday at the food court near my home. My cough had gotten better, I wasn’t hacking that much. As I walked to the carpark rejoicing at my recovery, my fresh air (Mine! All miiiine.) was infiltrated by a cloud of acrid smoke that wasted no time in attacking every single hypersensitive cell lining my respiratory track. I turned around, and there was this guy puffing away like crazy, oblivious that he could have very well cause my asthma to go into overdrive.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive to people who smoke…it’s not like I’m the boss of everyone, but doesn’t it irk you when you’re about to tuck into your plate of hot steaming noodles, when some irritating –beep- lights a fag and blows smoke in your face? People can be so inconsiderate. Just because the government allows smoking in open-air areas, it doesn’t mean that smokers should just light up ANYWHERE open-air! I mean, we are HUMAN BEINGS, for chrissake. Civilisation, anyone? How about some discretion?

Practically everyone you walk pass these days smokes. I saw three smokers in a row yesterday. First the sod who nearly killed me, then a couple (How do these people KISS? Yellow teeth and halitosis is not attractive!!) and then….a man carrying a BABY!

And you wonder why more people are dying of cancer.

She slid the razor slowly down the length of her arm. The cold steel ripped through her ivory flesh, already marred by a patchwork of scars. She felt no pain, only satisfaction, as blood trickled slowly onto the pristine whiteness of her bedroom floor. “Beautiful…..” she murmured to herself, making no move to remove the stain. A jagged gash was etched across her arm, open and raw. It reminded her of a cat she saw once. The animal had been run over by a vehicle and the impact had ripped its stomach open, spilling its guts all over the road. Though large and prominent, the rupture wasn’t enough to kill the cat instantly. She remembered its glassy eyes rolling madly in soundless agony, seconds before a lorry severed its head as it sped past.

The blood was starting to cake around her wound. It formed a crust that stopped most of her bleeding, much to her disgruntlement. All of a sudden, she felt empty, that old familiar feeling creeping stealthily from the pits of her stomach, threatening to impale her from the inside. She choked back a sob, suppressing the flood of emotions struggling to escape.

Her vision blurred by hot tears, she groped around for the razor once more.

Friday, January 21, 2005
This is my second blog. It contains stuff from my private blog which has been scrutinised for anything that little kids shouldn't see. =) SOme of the dates are weird, but I did my best!

My voice is not getting better. I sound like a very anal, very constipated bullfrog. Yesterday, I couldn't do PE. So I sat in this corner with some people from my Subject Group. I think my SG is cool! Everyone's so nice and friendly, it makes everything easier. I was talking to these two CCHS guys (Chun Kiat and Poh Leong..or is it Poh Long?), Jeslyn and Jerry, who's from my Lit Class. The guys were so unsympathetic! When I told them that I was in the choir, they laughed at me. Hmph! They even asked me to sing my soprano range! Boys are turds man. At least Jerry was nicer. He gave us all lozenges.

I met someone who stands at 1.95m. Meet Francis, another guy from my SG. I feel so DWARFED when I stand next to him. It's even funnier when we all sit down, and he has to stand to answer a question during class. I had to crane my head above the usual comfortable distance to look up! Gosh. So I finally told him that it was really uncomfortable craning my neck to look up at him, and he actually tried to squat! LoL. Anyway, he is a really nice person. Just abit of a loner, though.

I was being really mean while I sat there watching the rest of the SGs (mass PE. eugh.) slogging under the hot sun, abusing my rights as a holder of a Medical Certificate to make stupid remarks by saying things like 'ooo! oo! hotnesssssss.' when some of the guys jogged past, looking as if they had been trampled upon by a hoard of stampeding girls on their way to grab tickets to a crummy boyband concert. I even saw Jianming, whom I tried to call out to. It was one of the most disgusting sounds to ever come out of my mouth. Eek.

When I recover, I will make sure that I scream really loudly into the ears of those who laughed at my voice. But for now, I'll just have to make do with croaking.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I'm still absent from school! There's gonna be a WHOLE LOT of catching up to do when I get back, hopefully by tomorrow, because that up till when my MC is valid. Angie has been sick since yesterday too. Poor thing, she ate Pizza Hut's Chicken Supreme and nachos (FREE side dish! Hah!) the day before and got food poisoning. I KNEW that sort of food was baaaaaaaaaad. It's quite obvious that when something is 'free', it usually implies that they have to get rid of it quickly before it reaches it's expiration date, whihc is like, what, 3 freaking YEARS after the manufactured date. Meaning that those chips (and maybe even -gasp- the cheese!) had been frozen for 2 years max, before the kind souls at Pizza Hut decided to dosh them out FOC. Bless their little hearts.

Being sick really sucks. I slept without air-con last night! Can you imagine? My crowning glory is UNCONDITIONED. My face is now displaying a permanent SHEEN, NOT of the dewy sort. Ugh. I feel horribly unattractive at the moment.

I spoke to Zhi Yong (this guy from my new school...) and Angie via SMS last night, 'cos I couldn't sleep properly. I'm quite sore that I'll be missing Lit lessons, so I've asked ZY to get his friend (also in Lit class..) to give me updates. Sweet boy. He says that we'll have an OG barbeque on either Friday or Saturday, so I have to get well soon. I was also instructed to drink more water (duh.) and rest well. He's quite maternal, that boy, for a member of the species with a dick and walks on two legs. Nearly as maternal as Angela. That girl actually said 'I think you should get more sleep. I'll call you tomorrow', in the midst of her guy problems. That woman is so freaking maternal most of the time, that I wonder whether K has a fetish for Mums. Eeeugh.

Just kidding!

Sunday, January 16, 2005
Goodness, I haven't been very nice to my blog huh. Oh well. I'm down with a dormant fever, flu and a bad case of cough. Which isn't a very good thing 'cos I have my second aqua aerobics lesson tomorrow (I already missed the first one!!) and choir practice on Tuesday! I suspect that I have a throat infection. Either that or a whooping case of bronchitis. My phlegm is kinda funky...it's yellow and sticky and basically ick and bleugh. Plus it seems to be really deep inside my windpipe and stuff....gotta see a doctor soon. =(

I just thought of something that made me laugh during the past week: there's this girl I met in school, who's from Singapore Chinese Girls' School, called Chuang Mei. Pretty name, huh? Anyway, she IS pretty, but unfortunately hides her face behind this pair of glasses with thick red frames. Plus she wears braces and has a short, pageboy hairstyle. The resultant look is one of a typical nerdy, goody-two-shoes, albeit a pretty one. It's just...not her thing. She speaks in this lilting tone, in perfect English and seems to be the only one who understands my stale jokes (which I got from British Chic Lit. which most people don't get. shame.). She's also one of the most polished people I've ever met, the only one who expressed incredulity at my (lack of?) discipline regarding my attire.

CM: "Oh. You're wearing coloured hair accessories." Me: "Yar..no more images of Dunman high prefects breathing down my neck. So I guess I just went..." CM: "Wild?" Me: "Urmm...not really."

Strangely, I wasn't offended. Maybe it's the mature me talking here, but this girl gets my respect for sticking ot her guns. She's the only one I've met who hasn't donned a pair of ankle-socks, or done anything to her uniform. Anyway, she and I get along pretty well, but this impression of her being so darn polished and prim and proper is just stuck in my head.

Yeah. So there was this time when we were in the library with another girl, Marianne. We were just talking about stuff in general (yeah very condusive.)..

CM: "I have a dirty little secret...." *Picture M and I straining forward, increduled by this sudden brink of revelation.* P: "Urm...yar?" CM: "Actually, I have another name.....*flashes ID card.*"
P and M: "...."

She was so goddamned PRETTY!!!! SHe had long hair, no braces and contacts. It was like, WHAT THE **** HAS THIS PERSON BEEN DOING TO HERSELF?!
And the name she had been hiding from us? Tiffany Jordan. Pretty pretty name! Reminds me of all things glittery and expensive (like, Tiffany Jewellery? Nvm.). Anyway, she said something so matter-of-factly that I laughed and snorted in the library.

M: "EH you looked so..." CM: "Yeah I used to be hot."
Hah! Hahahahahaahahahaah...

Okaaaaay. Maybe it doens't sound THAT funny when narrated, but trust me, you would have laughed. WHat's more, she said that she avoided 'Tiffany' 'cos it sounded inexplicably porn-starish and airheaded. Hahahahahahaha.... the girl's priceless and full of surprises. In the midst of our laughing fit (she didn't laugh at all. she was so serious.), she said to Marianne, "Shall we skip history?" It was like the weirdest thing to come out of her mouth! Freaking priceless. Oh yeah. They were picking guys' names for me too...

M: " what should we call her?" P: *suggestively* "how about Braaaaaaaaaad." M and CM: "NO. That is so not you!" *HEEEEEEEEEY. Now what's that supposed to mean...-wails-/* CM: "ARTHUR!!!!!" P: "WHAAA- No way!!! that sounds so....paedophile!!!!!"

So basically, I'm now Wacko-Jacko's commarade in arms. Peace out duuuudes. Pffft.

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The Girl

I thrive on temporary highs.
Neurosis is my middle name.

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